This is complemented by a real-time limit and exposure monitoring solution. MX.3 provides enterprise solutions that allow banks to control market, credit, and liquidity risk for internal and regulatory compliance.
This enterprise risk management software is used by a large and diverse range of market participants to meet regulatory requirements including Basel III, Dodd-Frank, European market infrastructure regulation (EMIR) and Volcker. MX.3 for Enterprise Risk Management is a cloud-ready solution that enables risk managers to stay one step ahead on risk control and to achieve regulatory compliance. The complexity of these risks leads to ever-more-intensive computational needs, which require enterprise risk management software. Regulatory and market evolutions require risk managers to monitor more granular and diversified types of risks. They provide risk forecasts and help trading to take risk-informed decisions from inception. Risk managers play a key role in securing the performance of their organization. A never-ending, evolving risk paradigm demands disruptive innovation.